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Family Education FVJC-ES 2023-2024

Shalom, Friends!,

As you know from our annual calendar, our 5th  Grade Family Education Program and 6th Grade Family Education is scheduled during March.

At FVJC, Family Education is a required program and each child needs to be accompanied by at least one parent/guardian/special adult.

Family Education gatherings are opportunities to  learn together and to build deep connections with our peer families in order to create a robust community within our school and larger Jewish family.

A general outline for the morning is below:
Time Location Activity
9:00am Multipurpose Room Arrival activity, Light nosh, Welcome
9:15am Sanctuary T’fillah (prayer) with our Hebrew School kehillah (community)
10:00am Multipurpose Room Learning with our kitah (class)
11:30am Multipurpose Room Conclude our learning

We sincerely look forward to seeing you. Please let me know if you have any questions.

A light snack and coffee will be provided.  We encourage all families to join us for these important programs.

Please reach out to Rabbi Bekah  or Liddy Doyle, if you have any questions.  Thank you! 
Mon, January 27 2025 27 Tevet 5785